
Are Needle-Free Treatments the Future of Anti-Aging?

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Are Needle-Free Treatments the Future of Anti-Aging? featured image
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Over the years, aesthetic medicine has seen a growing demand for needle-free procedures for facial and hair rejuvenation. Factors like filler fatigue or aversion to a syringe has sparked a trend away from injectables for anti-aging. In their place, more and more patients are leaning towards alternative noninvasive procedures such as laser treatments and energy-based devices.

Another driving factor is the concern about the potential for overuse and unnatural results. Because of this, many are seeking out alternative treatments that offer similar benefits without the potential downsides. Recent technological advancements have led to a variety of treatments available that promise to turn back the clock minus the needle pricks or need for squeezing a stress ball in anticipation.

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The Glow-Getter

What it is: PRX-T33 Treatment

What it does: A “non-peel peel” that contains 33% TCA, hydrogen peroxide and kojic acid and is combined with a gentle massage technique. “Unlike traditional peels, it exclusively targets the dermis, leaving the epidermis untouched to preserve the skin’s protective layer,” says Delray Beach, FL dermatologist Dr. Janet Allenby.

How it works: The European Peel, as it is commonly known, works by stimulating the skin through massage. This process promotes lymphatic drainage, aiding in the elimination of toxins and promoting a healthier complexion. “We have to use about four pounds of pressure with our hands, so you’re really getting a pretty deep massage. Think of it like fascia blasting in a sense.” 

What to know: “One of the most remarkable aspects of the PRX-T33 peel is its versatility. It can be safely administered on any part of the body, offering a wide range of applications for various skin concerns,” says Dr. Allenby. The treatment boasts minimal to no recovery period, making it an excellent choice for those with busy schedules. “Its exceptional benefits extend beyond the traditional chemical peel advantages of brightening and smoothing the skin. It also delivers remarkable tightening effects, leading to visibly firmer and more youthful-looking skin.”

After four PRX-T33 treatments with Dr. Allenby, this 55-year-old woman has tighter skin and her skin discoloration has improved tremendously. Image: @allenbydermatology
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The Face Lifter

What it is: Lumenis triLift

What it does: Combining dynamic muscle stimulation, tri-polar radio frequency, and radio-frequency microneedling, triLift can enhance texture, tone, and collagen production. “The number of treatments required depends on the patient’s needs and goals,” says New York dermatologist Amy B. Lewis, MD. The standard protocol involves four to six 25-30 minute sessions including all three modalities.

How it works: Dr. Lewis describes the facial muscles as a hammock that holds everything tight, but with aging and wear, it starts to lose resilience and tone. “triLift contracts the muscles, akin to working out at the gym, and provides an ability to strengthen the muscles that support the face,” she says. “Over time, multiple treatments create muscle memory, leading to improved lifting and tightening effects.”

What to know: Customization plays a vital role. Dr. Lewis emphasizes the ability to tailor the treatment to specific areas, whether it’s addressing sagging muscles, under-eye fat pads, or other concerns. Patients may experience minimal discomfort, with a sensation like muscle twitching during dynamic muscle stimulation. There is no downtime, although some temporary redness may occur if radio-frequency microneedling is done.

This patient had five weekly triLift treatments. Her after photo was taken five months after she completed the treatment. Image: Garden Medical Spa
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The Hair-Growth Helper

What it is: Alma TED Hair Growth Treatment

What it does: A hair-growth treatment that improves hair’s volume to be thicker, stronger, and shinier. 

How it works: “Alma TED (transepidermal delivery) is a treatment that utilizes patented technology that emits acoustic sound waves and impact delivery in combination with a proprietary Hair Care Formula,” explains Grand Rapids, MI, plastic surgeon Bradley Bengtson, MD. “The formula consists of growth factors and peptides, and phytonutrients to nourish, strengthen, and stimulate the hair follicle promoting thicker, fuller hair with increased strength and shine.” 

What to know: “Alma TED is a completely noninvasive in-office treatment involving no needles, pain, or downtime,” says Dr. Bengtson. However, multiple sessions are needed to achieve optimal results. It may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions. 

Dr. Bengtson recommends a series of three 30-minute treatments, spaced one month apart. Image: @Bengtsoncenter
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The Skin-Tightener

What it is: Sofwave noninvasive facial rejuvenation 

What it does: The treatment utilizes ultrasound technology to stimulate the production of collagen and improve skin elasticity to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

How it works: “Ultrasound energy is precisely delivered to the targeted areas, promoting collagen remodeling without damaging the surrounding tissues,” explains Beverly Hills, CA facial plastic surgeon Greg Mueller, MD. Sofwave delivers heat 1.5mm into the skin, stimulating a healing response in the mid-dermis. This process, called neo-collagenases, leads to less fine lines and wrinkles and lifting around the eyebrow, neck and jawline.

What to know: “With its effective results and minimal discomfort, Sofwave has gained popularity as a safe and effective solution for skin rejuvenation,” adds Dr. Mueller.

“Collagen begins to diminish starting in our 20’s,” says Dr. Mueller. “Sofwave heats collagen at the right temperature triggering a healing response that increases both collagen and elastin.” Image: @theneckdoctor

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