NewBeauty Top Doctor Since 2011

Dr. Ann C. Zedlitz

5305 Flanders, Baton Rouge, LA, 70808
If it isn't good enough for me, then it isn't good enough for my patients.


Growing up with less-than-desirable skin has enabled Dr. Ann C. Zedlitz to understand the health issues and emotional pain that come with dermatological problems. “I have made it my life’s work to help others avoid or overcome similar experiences,” says Dr. Zedlitz. Her approach to dermatology has allowed her to empower patients with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions on the best treatment plans that yield the most natural-looking results. “I reassure my patients that with my exceptional medical and artistic skills I will give them the opportunity to preserve and enhance each aspect of their own attractiveness,” says the doctor.

About My Practice

How do you relate to your patients?

I have tried every procedure that I offer so that I know what they are going through. If it's not effective or something that I would give myself or a family member, then I do not use it in my practice.

Has there been any great advice that you've received?

To always remember my roots. I've come from a very poor and humble background, so I am appreciative of life and the goodness that it can hold.

What is most important to you when doing patient treatments?

Comfort. When I perform a procedure on a patient, I want them to feel relaxed. This relaxation starts with educating the patient on the procedure so that they know what to expect. They are comforted by my well-trained staff and my board certification in dermatology. My emergency medicine background helps me keep the patient relaxed and pain-free before, during and after the procedure.

About Me

Is there anything that you are never without?

A smile, because I am truly happy with the field of medicine that I am in. I love helping my patients to feel beautiful and thank each of them with a hand-written note.

Why did you become a dermatologist?

I love helping people feel more confident about themselves! In dermatology, there are so many modalities that give me the ability to help patients achieve their healthy skin goals. If you wake up and don’t like what you see in the mirror, that can set the tone for the day and maybe even the rest of your life. If I can change the reflection so that you like what you see, then I can help you feel empowered in your careers, relationships and friendships.

What accomplishments are you most proud of?

In 2015 I was selected by my peers for the prestigious, nationally acclaimed Castle Connolly Top Doctor in the specialty of Dermatology.


Louisiana State University
Emergency Medicine, Earl K. Long Medical Center, Louisiana State University Medical School
Dermatology, Earl K. Long Medical Center, Louisiana State University Medical School
Assistant Clinical Professor, Louisiana State University Medical School, Department of Dermatology
Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology,
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society,


Board Certification:

American Board of Dermatology

American Board of Emergency Medicine


American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery

A Minute With

  1. Three words that best describe me

    Genuine, visionary, artist

  2. My dream innovation

    A laser that gives the same resurfacing and rejuvenating results as a CO2 or dermabrasion treatment without the downtime

  3. My ultimate skin-care advice

    Daily use of topical and oral vitamin C to aid in building collagen

  4. The best skin in hollywood

    Christie Brinkley

  5. The most unique aspect of my practice

    Patients can take comfort in knowing that I try every procedure on myself before I perform it on a patient. I stand by the fact that if it isn’t good enough for me, then it isn’t good enough for my patients

  6. Career-defining procedure

    One of the most impressive breakthroughs in the world of skin care has been highly effective lasers that can resurface, rejuvenate and refresh. I offer an array of lasers, from scar removal lasers to the popular CO2 fractional laser resurfacing that diminishes wrinkles, brown spots, and sun damage along the face neck and chest.

  7. How i make the best first impression

    I build a relationship with each patient from their initial consultation. I want to get to know them and their goals for cosmetic treatment and address any underlying causes that may be linked to their concerns. After an in-depth consultation I provide them with a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan to help them make the most informed decisions

  8. What i love most about my profession

    Focusing on dermatologic education and community awareness relative to healthy skin and cancer prevention

  9. Which new service are you excited to offer?

    Morpheus8® is microneedling with radio frequency for the face, neck and body. It smooths skin and improves texture for a youthful look.


  • Botox Cosmetic®
  • Dysport
  • Dermal Fillers / Injectables
  • Restylane
  • Facial Rejuvenation
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Scar Revision
  • Skin Care
  • Skin Peels
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Fat Reduction
  • Muscle Toning (CoolTone)
  • Dysport
  • Body Contouring
  • Stretch Marks Treatments
  • Exceed
  • Profound
  • Ultherapy
  • Sublative
  • Plasma Pen


  1. Can you tell me what a Jessner peel is and exactly how it differs from other peels that are more commonly talked about?
    What our experts say:

    Jessner's solution has been used for over 100 hundred years. A Jessner's peel is a combination of different acids to make for a superficial peel. It contains lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol in an alcohol base. I love this peel as part of a maintenance regimen. I like it for all skin types. Many of my acne patients are on these. I like to jump start things with a series of three peels three weeks apart.

  2. For optimum results, how often should I get a chemical peel?
    What our experts say:

    I recommend chemical peels quite often.  I think chemical peels are a underutilized as a way to keep your skin looking its best.  I love superficial peels once a month. The type of peeling agent depends on your skin type, dryer skin-glycolic, oily skin-salicylic.

  3. Are there any non invasive procedures/creams that will lighten the appearance of stretch marks?
    What our experts say:
    The procedures that help with stria are fractionated 1540 laser treatments every 3-4 weeks for 5-6 treatments.  This really helps blur the edges of the scar and promote collagen synthesis. It also helps to diminish the redness from blood vessels, since it helps on 2 different areas, it is my favorite procedure for stretch marks. As far as creams go, don't believe the claims on the label.  I like to put my patients on a tretinoin cream to help with stria.  It needs to be a strength that does not cause too much irritation, this skin is fragile to start.
  4. Do people normally get both top and bottom lip enhanced?
    What our experts say:

    I usually touch up both upper and lower lips.  Most patients don't need both lips done equally.  I like to keep a natural proportion of upper lip to lower lip of 1.5-2 to 3

  5. What is the difference between Restylane Lyft and other fillers that are being offered by Doctors?
    What our experts say:

    Restylane Lyft is a filler from the HA (Hyaluronic Acid) class.  The fillers in the class are reversible.  I like these fillers for a pt having them done for the first time.  It is always good to have options, and reversibility is nice. Restylane Lyft is a filler that has a higher viscosity. This allows us to use it for structure or "scaffolding" of the face.  It allows for more robust volumization when structure is lacking - loss of bone.

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